SeeAssure ensures the next level of IoT connectivity combining pictures, video, GPS and other sensors to enable intelligence not otherwise possible.
Last month, Nova Mobile Systems exhibited its SeeAssure Visual IoT System at the annual MIT Enterprise Forum of Cambridge (MITEF) Connected Things conference slated for April 4-6 at the MIT Media Lab.
George Ecker, CEO of Nova Mobility, shared, “SeeAssure is the next level of IoT connectivity combining pictures, video, GPS and other sensors to enable intelligence not otherwise possible. Innovation and evolution are the driving forces behind the global interest in IoT and connected technologies. We’re thrilled to be amongst a group of leaders doing just this.”
In addition to showcasing companies via their exhibits, the conference brought together internationally recognized industry leaders to share their insights and real-world experiences – shedding light on where we are and where we’re going with IoT.
“Innovation has been at the forefront of the MIT Media Lab,” said Mark Thirman, Chairperson of the MIT Connected Things Conference and Group. “Having George Ecker and Nova Mobile Systems exhibiting SeeAssure and examples of visual connectivity is exciting and relevant to our audience.”
Connected Things 2018 included keynote addresses from:
– Dirk Didascalou, Vice President, IoT, Amazon Web Services
– Steven Martin, Chief Digital Officer, GE Power
– Noor Sweid, Partner, Global Ventures
Panel topics included:
– Connectivity is Here, The Future is Now
– The IoT Data Tsunami Has Arrived, Now What?
– The Future of IoT is Now, Can IoT Security Catch Up?
– Point / Counter Point: Blockchain & IoT
For a full list of exhibitors, visit the conference website:
Follow MITEF of Cambridge on Twitter at @mitefcmb and Connected Things 2018 with #ConnectedThings2018.
About the MIT Enterprise Forum of Cambridge
The MIT Enterprise Forum of Cambridge is the founding chapter and one of 27 worldwide chapters comprising the MIT Enterprise Forum, Inc. Offering more than 40 programs and events annually that inspire innovation, MIT Enterprise Forum of Cambridge initiatives facilitate critical one-on-one mentoring while providing team services that increase the skills and expertise necessary for entrepreneurs to succeed.
Nova Assure tracks, monitors and controls your assets on one platform. We turn complex asset management into an easy management solution. Our IoT solutions scale to help clients reduce operational and capital expenditures by delivering accountability, dynamic reports, intelligence and security.