Hospitality and Tourism / Posted 1 year ago

Chelation therapy is a medical treatment in which a chelating agent is used to bind and remove heavy metals or minerals from the body. This is most commonly done to treat cases of heavy metal poisoning, but it may also be used to treat certain medical conditions such as atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and Alzheimer’s disease. In Kerala, Chelation therapy is typically done by administering chelating agents through an intravenous (IV) drip. A few clinics and hospitals in the state may provide chelation therapy. It is important to note that Chelation therapy is considered to be an alternative therapy and it is not recommended for all conditions and for long term use. The therapy is still under debate by medical community whether it is beneficial and also safe for certain conditions. Consultation with a qualified medical professional should be done before trying Chelation therapy.

Contact details

BRD MEADOWS, Ambalapuram, Peringandoor P.O, Athani Via, Thrissur, Kerala-India 680581India,680581 8943299999 *****

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